zaterdag 15 oktober 2016

The death of The Great Barrier Reef (concept)

Dear Rich, I have seen your article ( about the death of the Great Barrier Reef ..and I have an idea. Imagine a one page advertisement in a big Austalian newspaper. Your copy and a range of people and organisations who support the thought of doing it better in future for the benefit of mankind and nature. This is the idea (it is a rough which needs attention in terms of the shape, mentioned people and organisations (and more). Sincerely, Erik Vos Gotanidea Paris

vrijdag 14 oktober 2016

De dieren protesteren.

woensdag 3 februari 2016

Sound Cloud Swipe Sounds

donderdag 22 maart 2012

Integratie met een smile.

Stel een band samen met jonge Marokkaanse zangers die het Nederlandse of Belgische levenslied brengen. In te zetten op festivals, manifestaties e.d. Door juist een typisch herkenbaar (autochtoon) repertoire te kiezen wordt het integreren op overdreven en aansprekende manier gebracht. Integreren in de overtreffende trap en met een knipoog. Het repertoire kan bestaan uit bekende liedjes van bekende zangers maar de vorm leent zich uiteraard ook voor nieuwe liedjes waarin alledaagse herkenbare problemen van deze jongeren in een bijzonder verpakking worden aangeboden.

woensdag 21 maart 2012

SP campagne tegen Euro

Het is alweer een poos geleden dat de SP stelling nam tegen de Euro. Een posterserie moest dat duidelijk maken. Vandaag de dag zal menig oude SPer met het Griekenland debakel terug kijken en denken..we hadden het bij het rechte eind.

Nooit amnesty.

Nooit vergeten.

dinsdag 20 maart 2012


Waarom een oproep doen om rotte eieren te gooien naar een stuk wat je nog niet hebt gezien?

vrijdag 9 maart 2012


How to get attention of the public, prospects and the press? Organize Hit and Run where and when you want. To show your work or message in a different way with a team and blow up pictures. In day or night time. In front of offices of publishers, advertising agencies and on events. In places where you'll find a lot of people. In places where you will find your target group. Think of life events, press invitations, Hit and Run combined with the distribution of flyers, a registration of the Hit and Run event and postings on YouTube, Dailymotion, Digg and more. Get in touch with if you like to know more.

donderdag 6 oktober 2011

Drugs related violence in Holland.

donderdag 29 september 2011

AR carpet - Big Brother

woensdag 28 september 2011

The Naked Floor

In samenwerking met fotograaf Sebastian Kempa een zwart witte vloer met augmented reality markers realiseren die mensen gekleed en naakt in beeld gaat brengen. (

dinsdag 30 augustus 2011

New car model introduction

Produce and distribute cool car covers within the big cities for free to support the introduction of a brand new car model. As a stunt cars of competing brands can be transformed into the new car model and in a jiffy. The stunt is media wise supported by a registered video showing the transformations to be broadcasted on- and offline and creating attention for the car brand in the streets, in newspapers, in e-zines and blogs and on Twitter. The visual shows an ordinary car cover and the printed one.

dinsdag 17 mei 2011

Ballet campaign.

maandag 16 mei 2011



Leger van Woorden

woensdag 11 mei 2011


vrijdag 15 april 2011

Manon Juliette/ The Dude.

A campaign in progress and a preview for The Dude rugs before the shoot. Dudes are ingenious rubber stamped flower shapes made from inner tubes. When put together they work as a rugg in the shape you have in mind. They can be used both indoors and outdoors in dry and wet environments such as living rooms, offices, bathrooms or on a patio or next to a pool.

vrijdag 25 februari 2011

Facebook App 'I like'

maandag 21 februari 2011


Roofs of commercial buildings as real works of art. The largest gallery in the world to see by using Google Earth. Fly online from continent to continent, from village to metropolis, from artwork to artwork and humanitarian project to humanitarian project. Create attention, awareness and revenues for social projects that are linked to each artwork. Media: Google Earth, publications, press releases, website, sponsor support.

donderdag 10 februari 2011

Jacques Loup

Concepts for a large French luxury shoe store in the fashionable Cote d'Azur. (The French 'Loup' means wolf)

dinsdag 18 januari 2011


Information spread over the internet. A growing source of personal information added by your family, colleagues, neighbours, class mates, social network friends....and enemies. About who you are, where you believe in, who your girlfriends are, if you are a hetero or homo sexual, if you are religious...or not and if so.. which religion you believe in. And where you go on holidays.
Gossip World is a concept about a young woman who likes to take revenge on a gossip journalist.. and starts today's version of the Box of Pandora.

zaterdag 15 januari 2011

Citizens receipt / De Burgerbon

donderdag 6 januari 2011


woensdag 5 januari 2011

Changing the public swimming pool

AR for the public pool
Augmented reality will completely change the look at our environment. The possibilities in 'digital wonder land' are endless.

vrijdag 24 december 2010


woensdag 22 december 2010

Who's smoking?

maandag 6 december 2010


New logo for hike event supporting the

donderdag 2 december 2010

Hans Hillen

Former Christian Democrat senator Hans Hillen, now defense minister, gave paid advice to cigarette manufacturer British American Tobacco (BAT). He did not inform the government about his consulting activities. Informing the government is mandatory since March of 2010.

Research: Teenagers start younger with consuming alcohol.

The pope and condoms

maandag 29 november 2010